Wow, I don't believe any topic could have been more appropriate for me this week than FOCUS.
I hear Gods voice telling me to begin Bi-Monthly Neighborhood Ladies Fellowship gatherings. (Say that three times fast?!) Or a "Sisterhood" if you will, where the ladies and their families can gather together every other month for a craft, games, food, and fun. I am not an extrovert by nature... I'm the girl who's said to have a "Quiet and humble spirit" so for me to initiate a neighborhood anything is out of my comfort zone. This tugging at my heart began a few months ago, but this week it has been really strong. I believe someone in my neighborhood may greatly benefit from this... perhaps I might greatly benefit from this! I just have no clue where to start... I need to stay Focused on God and let him do the planning.
These words popped into my head a couple of days ago "Worship is the Heartbeat of God". I loved that... I wanted to write a blog post on it... it really set well with my soul. My only problem is lack of time, and lack of focus.
Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker

What a great idea and if your still feeling that tug-go for it, what have you got to lose. Thank you for sharing.
Great post. I do hope you initiate your neighborhood ladies fellowship. I think you are right, if you stay focused on God, He will lead you in the steps you need to take to make it happen.
Angel--may God make a way and honor your initiative!
What a timely idea.
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