May 2, 2012

"Maybe sometimes it's about letting go of who we are to see who we might become"

Hi all,

I recently found a blogger by the name of Sara... well, I didn't find her exactly, I found her blog. You see Sara went to be with the Lord at the end of 2011.  I found her by visiting the (in)courage & (in)RL websites. This woman was so amazing, she touched the lives of so many people... they recently put together a this is just a tiny clip of other bloggers speaking of the many ways this Sara touched their lives. The actual video is 30 minutes long! Just listen to the love pouring out of these people when they speak of her!

If you want to watch the entire 30 minute video, you can find it on THIS post.

I decided that I wanted to know more about her, so I visited her blog.  I'm not finished with my research yet :) but I came upon this post by her and it intrigued me to the point of wanting to share this with you all. There was such wisdom in her words... may we all strive to touch the lives of others the way this woman touched them... and how much more so can we, being that she was confined within the walls of her home... and we have the world available to us.

You can read the entire post on her site HERE

Without further ado...  here are the words of "sweet Sara"...


In a time when every self help book I read talked about finding groups of like-minded people to further your goals, and being true to who you are over who others may want you to be, I found the opposite to be true. I found that if I went into every situation caring more about what was important to the other person, then who I was grew ten fold.

I learned that it was all about the person, and in order to care about the person I needed to choose to care about what was important to them, and make it important to me.

I was thinking about this because you all saw this photo and said you weren't sure who was more the kid, me or Elias:

And the truth is that I couldn't have cared less about a car zooming off the bed. But I cared that Elias did. His interest became my interest and his excitement became my excitement, and before I knew it I was filled up with contagious joy.

We all do that for children. Imagine if we did that for other adults as well.
Imagine if we cared more about them feeling happy than us feeling right.
Imagine if we cared more about them feeling known than us feeling superior. 
Imagine if we cared more about them feeling accepted than us feeling righteous. 
Imagine if we cared more about them feeling joy than us feeling envy. 
Imagine if we cared more about them feeling abundance than us feeling security.
Maybe sometimes it's not so much about being who we are at all costs. Maybe sometimes it's about letting go of who we are to see who we might become.
Just something to think about.


Wow... nothing left to say... she said it perfectly, so I will leave you with that.

Thank you so much for stopping by...


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