June 18, 2012

Lost Modesty - Christians Wearing Bikinis?

My children received a gift from my mother in law… a swimming pool. It’s a nice framed pool, only three feet tall and twelve feet in diameter. It’s large enough for us to enjoy, but small enough that our little Angelique can touch and feel fairly safe playing in it. She’s still scared of the water, and I’m thankful for that in a way. It brings me to another topic… especially during these hot summer months… modesty.
How do you teach modesty to girls who are too young to understand the concept of lustful eyes? For now, they will have to make do with “because it’s not nice to wear that little in front of people.”
I grew up Pentecostal, I would wear long dresses to swim in whenever we would go swim. When I was older I tried to wear a two piece bathing suit once, and I was so uncomfortable I did not enjoy myself at all. To this day I wear a pair of shorts and a shirt to swim in over my WHOLE piece suit. My girls aren’t so opposed to wearing skimpy nothings. I try my best to make them understand the importance to being covered.
I found this video online, and I really enjoyed hearing about this study; I thought you might as well. It's about three minutes in length, but informative!
What we do to ourselves. This brings me to complete a work I had begun on another post... about what us women choose to use as "bait" for a possible husband. Why we are always so unhappy with our catch.
What are your thoughts on being Christian and wearing bikinis? 



  1. I totally agree with you. We are also very modest. I like to wear those rash guard shirts and shorts to the pool. We make our girls wear the same thing. My 4-yr-old is trained up pretty well. She is very honest, like they all are at that age, and will sometimes ask me if what I'm wearing is ok. She'll say, "Mom, are those pants too tight." Lol, she tries to be nice about it. That information on the video is really interesting. I like the part about the history of the bikini. Only a stripper would wear one back in that day! Also, I like how he said that we reveal more of ourselves when we cover up, because people can see our character on the outside! I am stopping by from No ordinary Blog Hop. I am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim. Thanks for sharing.

  2. So glad someone wrote on this topic. I am a very modest person and while I work at a salon and spa with very immodest women, I think that binki's are out of line. It's such a tough topic to defend. Great job !

    I am visiting from Women Living Well.

  3. I have to tell you that I usually make my own swimsuit. Because no one seems to make any suits that go from my neck to my knees. I agree so strongly with this post. We need to be teaching our girls modesty. and it is even harder now that so much of the world scoffs. I got a finger pointed at me by a young girl who was virtually naked, because of my modest swimsuit. When they were younger, I told my girls that they need to keep their beautiful bodies, the temples of their souls, clean and pure. I was blessed that they did it. Modest dress always. I think the best thing we can do is to dress modestly ourselves. Our children are watching us. Thank you for sharing on NOBH!

  4. Thank you for this! I grew up Pentecostal also and never wore bathing suits in public. For a few years however, I walked away from the Lord and ventured into the world of bikini's. It was a very dangerous time in my life. I pray that the Lord would always keep me from ever becoming that woman again.

    But just this weekend this was a hot topic in my home. I have 3 teenage daughters and was starting to feel guilty about the huge fight I had with one of them about bikini's being inappropriate. Thank you for affirming that I heard clearly from the Lord. As for me and my house...


Thank you so much for making this a two way conversation! Sometimes I think I am going nuts rambling on to myself like this! I so appreciate your response!