November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Hi Friends…

I just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!
As we set our tables and surround ourselves with loved ones this Thanksgiving day… I pray we are able to slow down, and honestly assess our lives.

I pray we are able to give thanks for everything we have been blessed with. It doesn’t matter if you have a smaller house than you would like, or if your yard is less square feet than your neighbors. It doesn’t matter if you make less per hour than the person standing next to you.

You are so richly blessed!

If you are reading these words, you have been given another day of life! You have an education! You have access to the Internet, you own a computer or phone which allows you to find any type of information you could possibly need to obtain!  You have a job, or receive some type of steady income that allows you to pay for these luxuries! You have food in your pantry, or the ability to drive to a restaurant and eat a nice hot meal!

We all have something to be thankful for…

I am so thankful for…

·         A husband who loves me and has always tried his best to provide for our family.
·         Four beautiful, healthy children.
·         Roof over our heads and floors under our feet.
·         Being born in the USA.
·         Being born in Louisiana; I love this beautiful land with its rich culture (and the best foods you can find!)
·         My education.
·         The freedom to believe.
·         A bible that I can read in public if I wish.
·         My many God given talents.
·         Hot coffee in the morning, and afternoon, and sometimes night : )
·         Many, many, many other things…

My husband has such a large family, 8 brothers and sisters in all, that we usually house hop for Thanksgiving each year.

My grandmother cooks a huge meal for all of us to gather and eat, as does my Mother-in-law. Normally on Thanksgiving day we head to my Grandmothers house for lunch. We eat some yummy food and visit for a few hours talking and catching up with relatives who might live out of town. Afterwards we head to my mother-in-laws for supper and visit just the same.  My mother-in-law decided a few years ago that it was better to have her holiday meals in the afternoon, so that everyone can have a chance to visit all their family during the day.

This year my Mother-in-law had her Thanksgiving meal last Sunday… so we will not have to try and make room for everyone’s cooking! Lol.  Nothing offends a woman who has been slaving over a stove all day more than to show up and NOT eat!  

It is NOT easy to show up at the first home with all those delicious smells and restrain yourself from eating all you can, to make room for the second and possibly third homes! Now, just because my Mother-in-law had her Thanksgiving meal Sunday doesn’t mean that she will not go ahead and fix something up quick just to get everyone together tonight, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she calls to come over.

Today on my side of the family, I have a cousin (we were raised together, so she is more like a sister) who lives in Texas and her two younger children coming for a visit… as well as her brother (also, like a brother to me due to us being raised together) who lives a few hours away is coming with his wife and their newly born 2 month old son! I am so excited to be able to spend some time holding and loving on that sweet baby boy!!! That is in addition to the numerous aunts, great aunts, brothers, parents who are normally around during Thanksgiving meals.

On my husband’s side of the family, he has a brother who lives in Georgia who will be coming over for a visit. (oh man… just had a thought… I may actually have to fix a meal today due to his visit!! AAAGHHH)! Lol.  Usually we just bring a covered dish to the home we are visiting. All of my married life I have never had to cook a huge Thanksgiving meal for my family. By the time we arrive at home in the late afternoon, we are so tired and full, we couldn’t possibly think of eating another bite of anything.
I’ve grown rather fond of this arrangement : ) 

My grandmother is now 78 years old and I know that, realistically, there may not be many more Thanksgiving lunches cooked by her for our enjoyment.  After there are no longer lunches fixed by her, I will have to pick up the lack, and fix something for our family.  I can hope that the rest of my family would still like to gather together, even if we take turns holding the meals at our homes each year… but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

I think today when the kids wake up we might cut out some paper leaves, and have everyone write on each of them what they are thankful for. I can spread them out on the kitchen table or counter to be read aloud tonight.  We have never done anything like that before, just maybe voiced what we were thankful for… but I really love hands on activities!!

If I decide to, I’ll be sure and take some pictures for you!

I hope you all enjoy your day, remember what you have to be thankful for… and go to bed with satisfied bellies.

Todays Rambling Question is.... what are your Thanksgiving traditions?


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Thank you so much for making this a two way conversation! Sometimes I think I am going nuts rambling on to myself like this! I so appreciate your response!