March 22, 2011

Conversations with Tinker Bell!

I can not believe it has been so long since my last post.
I have been so busy getting orders out lately, I even forgot to snap photos of some!
I am working on another tutorial to hopefully have up pretty soon!
I wanted to share a couple of stories with you…

Place : In the living room of my home, on the sofa.
Who: Myself, Hubby & Tinkerbell
Me: (finishing up the conversation on my reaction when I found out I was pregnant with the Queen)…. “….and I cried, and cried”
Tinker bell: “Because you took a pill to get pregnant?”
Me: “No honey, you don’t take a pill TO get pregnant.”
Tinker bell: (blank expression) “How do you get pregnant then?”
Hubby: (wide eyed looking at me as if to say … how will you get out of this one.)
Me: (eyes just as wide as hubbys) “Ohhh, yeah… a pill… It’s a pill!”
Tinkerbell: (pleased expression)


Another conversation with Tinker Bell
Place: Walking down the drive way after grabbing the mail.
Who: Myself and Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell: “Mommie, do you pass gas?”
Me: ( a lil shocked) “Everybody passes gas honey.”
Tinkerbell: “I never heard you pass gas”
Me: “That’s because I don’t pass gas in front of people.”
Tinkerbell: “Oh…. You only pass gas on the side of them?”


On to the Creations!
Cute Onesie for a birthday girl! 

 Gift Set with letter "M"

Spa Party! White Spa Hair Wraps with Pink initials 

 Another happy customer!

 A Camo night gown I created for Tinkerbell!

Another gift set with the letter "S" 

1 comment:

  1. A pill to get pregnant, huh? LOL! When I was pregnant with my second daughter, my first, then four year old daughter asked, "But HOW did the baby get inside you!?" She always DID want specific answers...and this was while driving down a busy road, mind you. :o)


Thank you so much for making this a two way conversation! Sometimes I think I am going nuts rambling on to myself like this! I so appreciate your response!